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Courses Taught by Michael DeMario

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Customizable Professional Development Credit

Course CodeCourse NameDetailsCreditsFee
KE249OE4800#NoFakeNews: Teaching Information Literacy 001Online3.0180.00
KE249OE480121st Century Skills: From Your Classroom to the Workplace and College 002Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4802A Classroom Brand and Identity 003Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4803A New Bully - The Cyberbully 004Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4804Achieving Literacy Gains for Students with Limited English 005Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4805Acquiring Parent Involvement and Support 006Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4806Adapting Instruction to Reduce Unwanted Behavior 007Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4807Adding Mindfulness and Meditation Into Your Classroom 008Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4808Adding Yoga Into Your Classroom 009Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4908Addressing Conflict through Restorative Justice Practices 109Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4809Addressing Disciplinary Literacy 010Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4909Addressing Rigor in all Classrooms 110Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4810Addressing the Impact of Poverty 011Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4811Adjusting the Norm – Strategies for Embracing All Cultures in the Classroom 012Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4812Adolescent Literacy 013Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4813Advancing ELL Family-School Relationships 014Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4944Advancing Sexual Literacy: A Comprehensive Course in High School Sex Educatio 153Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4952Aggression in Students 161Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4947AI For All 156Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4939AI In Physical Education 148Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4938AI In Special Education 147Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4814Aiming Towards Eliminating Problem Behaviors 015Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4815Aligning Your ELA Class to the Next Generation Learning Standards 016Online1.060.00
KE249OE4816Aligning Your Math Class to the Next Generation Learning Standards 017Online1.060.00
KE249OE4817Aligning Your Science Class to the Next Generation Science Standards 018Online1.060.00
KE249OE4818All Learning Types: Differentiating Instruction to Meet the NGLS 019Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4819Alternatives to Suspension 020Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4951America is Divided - What it Means for the Classroom 160Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4935An Analysis of DBT Skills and their Usefulness in the School Setting 144Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4820Anti Bullying Strategies For The Classroom 021Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4821Anxiety and Stress Management in a School Setting 022Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4822Anxiety Disorders and Other Emotional Disturbances 023Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4823Applying Evidence Based Practices to Improve Classroom Management 024Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4825Approaches for Changing Student Behavior Using PBIS 026Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4826Are You a Culturally Responsive Teacher? 027Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4828Assessment and Innovative Data Instruction 029Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4829Auditory Processing Disorder 030Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4830Authentic Assessment in Physical Education 031Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4831Autism Spectrum Disorder 032Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4832Basics of Blended Learning 033Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4833Battling Teacher Burnout 034Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4923BBT - Brain Based Teaching 132Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4834Behavior Modification in the New Age of Technology 035Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4836Blended Learning in Physical Education 037Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4943Breaking Barriers: The Opportunity Gap and its Impact on Education 152Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4837Bring PBL to Physical Education 038Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4838Bringing More Formative Assessment Into Your Classroom 039Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4839Bringing PBL Into Your Math Classroom 040Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4840Building a Classroom Culture of Resilience 041Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4925Building Essential Literacy Skills Through Play 134Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4841Building Remote Student Relationships 042Online1.060.00
KE249OE4955Building Strong Classroom Communities 164Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4929Canva for Classroom Teachers 138Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4910CGI Math 111Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4842Character Education 043Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4843Co-Teaching Methods That Work 044Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4844Combating Childhood Obesity Through Physical Education 045Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4953Compassion in Your Classroom 162Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4845Conflict Resolution - How to Maintain the Peace in Your Classroom 046Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4846Constructing Critically Conscious Learning Environments 047Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4847Constructing the Creative Classroom 048Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4927Cooperative Learning Strategies 136Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4848Creating a Culture of Learning and Growth Mindset 049Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4931Cross Curricular Coding 140Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4914Dangerous Trends in Adolescence Behavior 115Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4850Data Driven Instruction 051Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4852Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners 053Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4855ELLs: Meeting the Academic Needs of English Language Learners 056Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4900Embracing Student Diversity and Immigrant Students in the K-12 Classroom 101Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4856Emotional Disabilities - Best Practices 057Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4937Emotional Intelligence for All Students K-12 146Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4857Emotional Security and Safe Schools 058Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4858Empowering Today's Teenager 059Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4920Engaging and Supporting Students with Dyslexia 121Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4859Engaging, Motivating and Exciting Learners 060Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4906Equity and Social Justice in the Classroom 107Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4911Gamification in Education 112Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4926Gender Gap in Education 135Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4861Gifted Teaching and Learning in Every Classroom 062Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4862Google Apps – The Paperless Classroom 063Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4863Health Sciences Applied to Coaching 064Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4864How to Flip Your Classroom 065Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4905Improving Classroom Discussions with Technology 106Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4867Improving Teacher Questioning Techniques 068Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4921Improving Testing Techniques 130Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4868Incorporating Social and Emotional Skills Into Your Classes 069Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4918Incorporating The Elements Of The Science of Reading Into The Balanced Literacy Classroom 119Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4950Inspirational Teaching: Motivating and Engaging Modern Learners 159Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4930Intro to Coding for Beginners 139Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4933Introduction to DBT and its Usage in School 142Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4903Leveraging Tech Tools to Assist Special Education Populations 104Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4870LGBTQI Education 071Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4936Lifetime Fitness For All Students 145Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4924Literacy Instruction and Differentiation for Students with Special Needs 133Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4922Making Math Meaningful and Rigorous 131Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4871Managing ADHD and LD in the Classroom 072Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4946Microlearning Essentials: Bite-sized Learning for Maximum Impact 155Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4872Multi Cultural Education for the 21st Century 073Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4899Nature-based Pedagogy in the Elementary Classroom 100Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4945Navigating the Haze: Current Trends and Impacts of Adolescent Marijuana Usage in Educational Settings 154Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4941Oppositional Defiant Disorder and your Classroom 150Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4873Parent Contact Made Easy 074Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4898Play-Based Pedagogy in the Elementary Classroom 099Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4940Positive Framing in Education: Empowering Teachers for Student Success 149Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4875Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics 076Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4912Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Skills 113Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4917SEL for Today’s Classroom 118Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4877Social Emotional Strategies for Online Learning 124Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4878Special Education Strategies for Online Learning 125Online1.060.00
KE249OE4879STEM Education in the Online Classroom 126Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4882Successful Online Teaching Strategies 127Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4883Tackling Trauma 084Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4884Teacher as Counselor: Appropriate Strategies for the Classroom 085Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4885Teaching Students Grit and Ownership 086Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4888Technology Tools For Every Classroom 089Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4942The Post Covid Classroom 151Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4948The Role of Writing in the Science of Reading 157Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4919The Science of Reading 120Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4890Theory and Techniques of Coaching 091Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4949Understanding and Teaching Generation Z 158Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4932Understanding Compassion Fatigue in School Counselors 141Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4891Understanding Mental Health and Mental Illness 092Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4934Understanding School Refusal Behavior and Interventions 143Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4954Unpacking the Computer Science Standards 163Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4892Using Project Based Learning to Meet the NGLS 093Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4893Using Social Media in the Classroom 094Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4894Wake Them Up! - Motivating Lessons 095Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4928What Teachers Need to Know About At-Risk Students 137Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4895What You Need to Know About Vaping 096Online3.0180.00
KE249OE4896You’ve Got it Backwards: Understanding By Design 097Online3.0180.00

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